Brushes for Marble and Granite

Brushes for Marble and Granite

Production of punched brushes for the treatment of marble and granite surfaces. Our brushes are used in waxing, antiquing and cleaning from the slabs to the finished piece.

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    Brushes for marble and granite

    Front disc brushes punched with horsehair for applying waxes and for cleaning surfaces to be treated. Maximum diameter 1200mm with one-piece body.

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    Brushes for marble and granite

    Front disc brushes punched with tampico threads for sanding and waxing the surface. Maximum diameter 1200mm with one-piece body.

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    Brushes for marble and granite

    Fickert tangential brushes with steel wires lanyard with or without resin.

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    Brushes for marble and granite

    Fickert tangential brushes with abrasive nylon threads with or without resin.